Indianapolis was already seeing a spike in homicides when a gunman killed 8 at a FedEx facility
Respiratory therapist with coronavirus gives birth to a daughter while in a medically induced coma
Why a Jesuit school was right in refusing to fire a gay teacher
A Virginia city finally removed its 800-pound slave auction block after years of deliberation
Associated Press
Obama's library materials travel from capital to Illinois
HBO can't film Somali-American drama at Minnesota high rise
Mike Pence's candidacy could prevent Illinois man's pardon
Success Magazine
The Girl Scouts celebrate 100 years of teaching entrepreneurship skills
This bad conversation habit is killing your credibility
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Schauwitzers take pilgrimage to old family farmhouse for reunion
Bookworm Gardens offers exploration of children's literature
'Bachelorette' gives Milwaukee its close-up
The DePauw
Computer genuis Aaron Swartz's suicide spurrs DePauw to consider open-access policy
Indianapolis Business Journal
City Market hopes catacombs tours spur interest in redevelopment
Mudathlon makes a splash as obstacle course races grow
Co-working spaces multiply, giving independent workers options
The Oregonian
The end of an era: How Harry Potter changed a generation
Piano movers' workdays are filled with obstacles, surprises
Portland's girls rock camp turns 10, and the city celebrates